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Hey guys ... this is my first entry

Do you ever just feel like not getting ready for school and just go back to sleep when your alarm wakes you up or your mom wakes you up? Well I feel like that almost every day, not because I don't want to go to school or because I'm tired but because i have to face idiotic people that makes the most stupid comments ever. People like that I just cannot handle , Im not like most people that screams and shouts for everything that doesn't go their way, I am a guy that takes things smoothly except maybe when something drastic happens then I will let a couple of tears roll. But anyway school is not just a place for education or some people will say that it is really boring but it could be a fun place too. Only if you have the proper friends, I would say that I have pretty awesome friends, even though I have only known them for 4 years, it feels as if I have known them since forever. Their names are Keenan, Tyrique, Chadwin, Kyle, Sholan, Razaan, Fawziyah, Tatum, Donna and Nadine. These people are the best; we take care of each other as if we were family. On some days we are chilled and on other days we are so loud that you could probably hear us from the other side of school. Normally school, especially high school, can be very difficult at times so make sure you get yourself some good friends that won't destroy your mind and pressure you into doing something that you wont normally do on your own. You should study hard but also have some fun at times because just studying will land you a good job, but also having some fun with your friends will sometimes get you even further, just dont have fun all the time.

Alex out.


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For Now

Hey guys... Welcome back to my blog “Life with Alex”, if this is your first time reading my blog, then I welcome you with open arms to my blog. Here I write about how my day was and also cool things that had happened during the day. I just want to say- Thank you guy's for everything, thank you for reading my posts. Subscribe so that you do not miss out on any future posts. And stay safe. Alex out.