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Weekend Surf

Hey guys…

What do you do during the weekend? What I like to do is to just go to the beach and surf. Why? Well surfing just takes my mind off everything for a few hours. Surfing, for me, is kind of like therapy; it helps me relax and also keeps me alert at the same time.
How does it keep you relaxed? Good question. When you are on your board in the water, it feels as if nothing can hurt you. The sound of the water also keeps your relaxed; it just has that calm ‘feeling’ towards it. The best part of surfing has to be catching the biggest wave you can catch; although sometimes the wave sort of rejects you, which is actually fun if you think about it.
And how does it keep you alert? Possibility of encountering sharks is quite high all over the world and you have to be on the lookout for other surfers that are surfing in your path because if you do not move out the way quickly enough then you might get seriously hurt or even worse. So tell me in the comment section what you do during the weekend.

Alex out.


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Hey guys... Welcome back to my blog “Life with Alex”, if this is your first time reading my blog, then I welcome you with open arms to my blog. Here I write about how my day was and also cool things that had happened during the day. I just want to say- Thank you guy's for everything, thank you for reading my posts. Subscribe so that you do not miss out on any future posts. And stay safe. Alex out.