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Showing posts from November, 2017

getting some merch

Hey guys… I am very sorry for not posting and the sleepover, it is today until tomorrow, something came up at my friend’s house so we couldn't have it at that time and my friends couldn't let me know because I do not have a phone at the moment. I am still looking for ways to get some money using this blog, I haven’t found anything reliable as of yet but I will continue searching, I will try to get Ad-sense for this blog, but that doesn't make much money, does it? I will create t-shirts and probably caps using my logo then selling it at a good price. I will let you know how it turns out, and the price of the merchandise will be in South African Rand’s. So if you do not live in South Africa it probably won’t be that much money. Thank you guys for all your support and for helping me realize that I can do this blogging thing. You guys are AWESOME . Alex out.

Finally Done

Hey guys… I am finally back, so I have finally completed my examinations and now I can create some awesome posts for you guys and girls reading my blog. I hope you read some of my other posts and if you have read it, thank you so much I am really grateful. I am so excited for the upcoming holidays, I really want to go out and have fun, and share my experiences with you. Speaking of which I have been invited to a “sleep-over” more like a stay-awake tonight at my friend’s house, I hope it is going to be cool, because honestly this is the first sleep-over/stay-awake that I have been invited to (first sleep-over/stay-awake from my school friends) and I will tell you how it went tomorrow. Moving over to other things, I need to get some money doing this, blogging I mean, yeah it is fun to do but it would be better if I could get some money providing posts for you guys and girls. I will be trying to update my blog in this up-coming week(s) so that it could be better. I hope you gu

For Now

Hey guys... Welcome back to my blog “Life with Alex”, if this is your first time reading my blog, then I welcome you with open arms to my blog. Here I write about how my day was and also cool things that had happened during the day. I just want to say- Thank you guy's for everything, thank you for reading my posts. Subscribe so that you do not miss out on any future posts. And stay safe. Alex out.