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Showing posts from October, 2017

Goodbye for now

hey guys... I sadly wont be able to post as much as I want from now onward because I will be busy with my exams soon and I have to study ;but I will write now and again, but goodbye for now readers and I hope you stay well. Until next time. Alex out.

Weekend Surf

Hey guys… What do you do during the weekend? What I like to do is to just go to the beach and surf. Why? Well surfing just takes my mind off everything for a few hours. Surfing, for me, is kind of like therapy; it helps me relax and also keeps me alert at the same time. How does it keep you relaxed? Good question. When you are on your board in the water, it feels as if nothing can hurt you. The sound of the water also keeps your relaxed; it just has that calm ‘feeling’ towards it. The best part of surfing has to be catching the biggest wave you can catch; although sometimes the wave sort of rejects you, which is actually fun if you think about it. And how does it keep you alert? Possibility of encountering sharks is quite high all over the world and you have to be on the lookout for other surfers that are surfing in your path because if you do not move out the way quickly enough then you might get seriously hurt or even worse. So tell me in the comment section what you do

From Restlessness to Fatherless

Hey guys... 2:58 AM, Friday, 20 October, 2017 Have you ever felt so tired that you couldn't even fall asleep? Well this is the first time I stayed up this late in a very long time, I normally only stay up this late during school holidays. It is probably these Otees that I am eating right now. The latest that I normally stay up until is like around 12 AM, sometimes 12:30 AM. I admit that I might have a sleeping problem, but I really do not know what to do, I really try my best to try and sleep earlier but it is not working. Something keeps on sort of waking me up at night; but tonight is different, could it be because I was watching movies? Or could it just be because I was excited about seeing my friends tomorrow/today? I haven't been to school the 19 th or yesterday so I was at home helping my mom with a couple of things and I was moving things around in my room, my room is kind of small though, not too small it's nice and cozy oh and I share my room with my little
Hey guys... So today was kinda weird well first of all because I was late at school, but they never came to fetch me when I was at last period, dont worry I did not skip class or anything like that. Oh and today was the valedictory at my school and none of the other grades could be at the valedictory assembly for some weird reason. I was kinda bummed out because of that; but today we never got Physical Sciences, although Physics is kinda cool and stuff if you are like really into studying and experiments, actually the experiments are awesome compared to any other subject. The teacher gives us a lot of work to do though, but she is cool at times like she lets us work in pairs to solve some stuff, the only thing I dislike about her is the fact that she chooses sides. Enough talk about her. I really wonder who got valedictory though. Its raining cats and dogs here, what is the weather like where you are? My nose was running like crazy the entire day could it be because of the rai
Hey guys, Tuesday 17/10/2017 ... I went to school as I always do, but today I saw Tyrique on my way to school, I was running(normal everyday thing, excet when I am really early)and I notice that his hair was different, but it was awesome, it had a kind of Justin Bieber look, which by he way is Tyrique's favourite artist, I think he knows like all of JB's songs and he knows the lyrics to any song. Throughout my day, I had to do the same old boring things I do everyday, but when I go home, I watched Wonder Woman, it was pretty cool the way she fights and I actually never knew that Diana was a god, although I knew that something was weird, like when she was training with her aunt and she clashed her 'wrist-thingies' together and then there was a shockwave. Guys I am so sorry that I did not post on Monday, it was because I couldn't go to the library after school because as I stated in my previous post that I have to help my 6 year old cousin with her work, but
Hey guys I am so sorry that I havent posted yesterday, I had things to do... MY WEEKEND: Well, my weekend was KINDA cool on Friday my mom bought me a pizza from Domino's Pizza, which was by the way totally AWESOME ;and on Saturday,I went surfing and I caught some cool waves at Surfers Corner; and on Sunday I had to go alone to church because my mother had to go and get my sister at my grans house. Monday: The normal Monday like any other except that we had an assembly in the morning and this dude(I have no clue what his name is) did a play for us, it is called #puppet, its about this teacher that becomes depressed and he is like a puppet that gets moved around by a puppet master and he wants to commit suicide but his friends tells him not to commit suicide and helps him with his depression and at the end he doesn't commit suicide, its was kinda funny at the beginning but as it comes to the middle part of the play, it becomes really sad. When I went to my gran's h

Day 2

Hey guys… So today I got my report card and I passed my exams, it was good and all but i just didn’t pass my exam that well. I put in so much effort to study and it paid off, just not what I was hoping for. My mother was really happy for me though, but I knew I could do much, much better; but there is really nothing I can do now, except to study even harder this term. Most my friends passed with awesome marks, well maybe because the only people that does the same subjects as I do are Kyle, Donna, Tatum and Fawziyah. But I don't know how much they got for the exams. This is my second post for my blog and it would be helpful if you could comment about anything that is missing in this blog or anything that you find interesting and I would try my best to update my blog. Thanks for reading; I will be posting again on Monday.
Hey guys ... this is my first entry Do you ever just feel like not getting ready for school and just go back to sleep when your alarm wakes you up or your mom wakes you up? Well I feel like that almost every day, not because I don't want to go to school or because I'm tired but because i have to face idiotic people that makes the most stupid comments ever. People like that I just cannot handle , I ’ m not like most people that screams and shouts for everything that doesn't go their way, I am a guy that takes things smoothly except maybe when something drastic happens then I will let a couple of tears roll. But anyway school is not just a place for education or some people will say that it is really boring but it could be a fun place too. Only if you have the proper friends, I would say that I have pretty awesome friends, even though I have only known them for 4 years , it feels as if I have known them since forever. Their names are Keenan, Tyrique, Chadwin, Kyle, Sho